Dots over swedish char "ä" misaligned at 8pt

During the beta, a bug was filed that umlauts where misaligned. It seems it is 
much better now, but chars "ÅÄÖåäö" still has problems. It is most apperent 
on the "ä" char.

Debian Unstable:
libfreetype6 2.1.4-1
libxft2      2.1-8
fontconfig   2.1.93-1
libqt3c102   3.1.1-7
kdesktop     3.1.1-1

I think autohinter is used. (I use the debian default)
"ä" Character, used in Sweden, Finland etc (See screenshot).

Thanks for some great fonts :-)

Attachment: vera.png
Description: PNG image

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