multiple users, same pictures

Hello list

I have two users using my GNOME-machine. And I have quite a few pictures
stored on that machine. Now, the way they way my pictures are stores is
that I have bunch of subdirectories in /multimedia/pics that are split
by category. All pictures in those various categories have been imported
to F-spot. The benefit of this scheme is that I can view those pictures
in F-spot, and I can view them sensibly outside F-spot as well.

Now, would F-spot "just work", if I have two separate users working on
those pictures (not at the same time of course)? How would versioning
work? And secondly (and maybe more importantly): How could I make it so
that when one user imports pictures to those folders, they would become
visible in the other users F-spot as well? Basically, I would like
F-spot to monitor the filesystem, and automatically import pictures that
appear in certain folders. Maybe I could manually tell it to import pics
from certain folder, but I'm afraid that if I keep on re-importing
certain folder, I would end up with bunch of duplicate pictures. Or does
F-spot know not to re-import same pictures over and over again?

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