I just saw Nat's f-spot demo at Brainshare, he was paging through some images and it was really fast. I don't think my f-spot is that fast, much slower if I you ask me. Not sure what resolution are the images in though.How slow is this for you? It is very fast for me [2]. I use it all the time as I page quickly though images. That said, loading a large jpeg is not particularly fast, f-spot trades off being very responsive for taking a little bit longer and that same code also allows you to see a raw file in a reduced resolution form long before it can be rendered. As to why it doesn't do the same thing as the slideshow, that view is a full featured view, more abilities will be showing up there, don't think of it as a glorified slideshow. If the current loading code is really too annoying to stand for you, I'd be happy to look at a patch that added precaching to those images. Something that stored the next and previous images and only fell back to the progressive loading would be a good way to handle the perception issue (at the cost what could be a lot of memory).
-- Arif Lukito <maxima mlist gmail com> |