Re: Goal #3: item 'Photos dir'

My thoughts:
- it's *not* a good idea to let the user change the db path while f-spot
is running, so we should'nt set this parameter via the Preferences panel
or via Gconf

How will you set it then?  Couldn't we set it and make the user restart?  Should we move the current db to the new location if one doesn't already exist?

- it's safe to change the Photos dir (read Import dir) when F-Spot is
running, and users wants to be able to change it

Don't we want to make paths relative to Photos?  So that users can move it around as neccesary? Again, should we move the current Photos there if it doesn't already exist?

- overriding Photos dir and dp path should'nt change the defaults in
gconf. With that, the user will be able to manage multiple


I will now review the different patches and merge them in one

Since everything is fairly closely related one patch is probably the correct thing here.

Share your opinions about my thoughts...

My only other thought is, remember the request that the DB be moved into Photos?  Is that something we want to consider at this point?  It seems the ideal for the multiple albums case as well as the portability case.  That way its all stored in one bunch.  If nothing else it touches on a lot of the same issues as these bugs, so we should probably take it into account with this patch.  Unless we decide to discard it.


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