Screencast of Arbitrary Query Patch

I've posted a screencast demoing the functionality provided by my query
patch.  The screencast is made with vnc2swf, meaning the output requires
a Flash plugin -- very sorry about that, I couldn't get istanbul to

In it you can see arbitrary queries constructed of AND, OR, and NOT
operators, and drag and drop query construction.  You can also change
the query via the context menu of tags (and queried 'terms') and via the
Tags menu.

Two additional (unimplemented) ideas could address both the
discoverability issue and the power-user (who doesn't want to drag and
drop..) issue:

We could put two or more buttons at the top of the tags TreeView that
would provide Include, Require, and perhaps Filter (which would NOT a
tag) functionality for the currently selected tags. 

And, we could make those constructors available via an interface similar
to Nat's tag-typing feature.

Feedback and suggestions regarding this interface are greatly


Gabriel Burt

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