Re: Renaming Photos

This one time, at band camp, Kevin Kubasik wrote:
>I couldn't find anything about this on the list, but I have noticed
>that once I import a photo, I am stuck with the name my camera gave
>the photo. I'm no professional photographer, and generally just upload
>my photos to flickr for my friends, but atm, all my photos are named
>dsc....jpg. Perhaps I am missing how to do it, but it seems that the
>box in the bottom left would do the trick, yet for some reason it
>doesn't is this a bug? or is it me simply missing the obvious, it
>seems like a fairly obvious feature to support, but perhaps I am

I second this, with a twist: I'd like a 'title' for the photo that doesn't
change the filename.  I noticed the database stores the path to the photo
and the filename in separate columns, which seemed odd: the path could store
the entire pathname and the name field could store the title.

I'd use it for the same reason: so that photos uploaded to flickr have their
title set nicely and their description from the photos comment.

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