Re: f-spot 0.0.8 crash

What version of mono are you using?


On Sat, 2005-02-19 at 20:28 +0000, Keir Lawson wrote:
>i recently compiled f-spot 0.0.8 on my debian ustable system - but when
>ever i start it i get:
>keir debian:~$ f-spot
>Unhandled Exception: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not
>set to an instance of an object
>in [0x000b7] (at /home/keir/Desktop/f-spot-0.0.8/src/PhotoStore.cs:1098)
>PhotoStore:Query (Tag[],PhotoStore/DateRange)
>in [0x0001d] (at /home/keir/Desktop/f-spot-0.0.8/src/PhotoQuery.cs:17)
>FSpot.PhotoQuery:.ctor (PhotoStore)
>in [0x0023a] (at /home/keir/Desktop/f-spot-0.0.8/src/MainWindow.cs:158)
>MainWindow:.ctor (Db)
>in [0x00069] (at /home/keir/Desktop/f-spot-0.0.8/src/main.cs:27)
>Driver:Main (string[])
>any idea what could be wrong?
>Keir Lawson
Laurence Hygate <loz flower powernet co uk>

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