Re: [evolution-patches] (no subject)

Some thoughts on the paranoid conditions :-)

> 3) Paranoid conditions checking: 
> i)  Should we allow users to switch from offline to online when the
> network is down ?

Yes, allow. But, the switch will fail if the network is not found. This
will give a hook to the user to switch evolution to online manually.
[ rather forcefully? ]

> ii) Should we allow users to start in online when the network is down ?

Yes, but go back to offline when network is not found and "show" the
state visibly to the user [ probably graying out some areas ? or
changing the title as you suggested ]

My thoughts are on the lines of not automating everything. And to
provide enough hooks to the user to force some conditions.

P.S : I havent tested this patch, so i cant really comment on it. Just
wanted to give my 2 cents on these paranoid conditions.

-- Sarfraaz

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