Re: [evolution-patches] Much improved search bar patch -- reworked patch

Hmm, looks nice.

But ... the flickering is a bit of a problem.  I'm not sure what to suggest to fix it.  When we reset the search it does the slow expensive re-render.

Could you try removing the setting of the search highlight/re-render, and just use the gtkhtml search interface instead?

That way we dont really need to unset the string?

Could it then do an 'interactive' search?  i.e. find matches as you type?

This flicker problem needs addressing first I think.


On Thu, 2005-05-12 at 04:56 -0600, Srinivasa Ragavan wrote:
I think i have reworked on the comments that you gave. I have also removed the 'X' button and made the window close
on lose of focus / 'ESC'.

>>>Not Zed <notzed ximian com> 05/12/05 5:07 am >>>

I think there's no need to have the create_widgets() call separate, just have a get_search_bar() function which can create the widgets if it needs to.

-       if (p->search_dialog) {
-               gdk_window_raise(((GtkWidget *)p->search_dialog)->window);
-               return;
-       }

-       xml = glade_xml_new (EVOLUTION_GLADEDIR "/", "search_message_dialog", NULL);
-       if (xml == NULL) {
-               g_warning("Cannot open search dialog glade file");
-               /* ?? */
-               return;
+       if (p->search_dialog)
+       {
+               gtk_widget_show (GTK_WIDGET (p->search_dialog));
+               gtk_widget_grab_focus ( GTK_WIDGET(p->search_entry));

Definiely don't use this style.  Use k&r style, i.e. as the code above which is removed.

Also, use C style casts, not the gtk ones - they're more readable and efficient.

Otherwise its looking good to me codewise.

On Wed, 2005-05-11 at 05:02 -0600, Srinivasa Ragavan wrote:
I have attached the fix. Please review it.
I have to add stuff, like
+ "ESC" to cancel search
+ Kill 'X" button and close on lose of focus

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