Re: [evolution-patches] Patch for Proxy Assignement/ Editing and deleting

There are style issues, see the HACKING file, specifically non-k&r style
braces, and c99/c++ style comments.

Also, you need to namespace public functions better (infact most of
these aren't public, they're just being used as forward declarations -
so they should not even be exported at all - i.e. static).


+void update_tree_view ();

Should at least start with proxy_ ... and no arguments seems to suggest
it is using globals a lot, which you shouldn't need to and should avoid.

Also not that in a c prototype '()' isn't the same as in java, if you
want to define a function taking no arguments, it must be (void), ()
just means 'unknown arguments', not 'none'.

Like all other mail account code, all changes should be 'instant-apply'
*on the target/e-account*, and not stored in widgets until commit.
Since I presume this data comes from the server and shouldn't be put in
gconf, you can probably workaround trying to store this on e-account by
using g_object_set_data on the e-account once you retrieve it.  And then
use that data in your commit function.  You can't use the widgets to
store the information though, they may no longer exist by the time
commit is called.

Note also that the widget factory may be called multiple times for the
account editor.  The code must handle this properly.  Among other
things, this is why it must instant apply all changes directly on the
e-account, you can't store *any* state in the widgets (or globally

For the plugin, it would probably make sense to add a 'page' item which
is just the text of the page, and add a 'section' item which has the
factory - for ui consistency and to save some effort.

(umm, other than that :-/, things look pretty ok!).

On Wed, 2005-06-29 at 04:25 -0600, S Shreyas wrote:
> Hey, 
> I am attaching a patch which adds a new tab to the Account Editor Tab
> called "Proxy" for Groupwise Accounts. This tab allows users to add/
> edit and delete users who can act as proxies. The tab uses groupwise
> server API's which have been sent by Sankar before hand. I am attaching
> the libedataserver/e-proxy.h for convenience.
> Cheers,
> Shreyas 
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