Re: [evolution-patches] patches for displaying warning for older server version

This is reviewing the mail part.

This appears to be a fatal error, not a warning.  Is that what you really want?

If it is, then you do not need to add another exception or another mail error.  Just return an exception from camel_service_connect and abort the connection - just include the detail of what the problem is in the exception.  Just use CAMEL_EXCEPTION_SERVICE_INVALID.  Having a special-case test in 'get folder info' is not going to work in the general case.

If you really want it only to be a warning, then you're going to have to try something different, using a plugin somehow.

Also, make sure you pass '-up' to cvs diff, the format of the attached patches is too difficult to read.

On Mon, 2005-01-31 at 00:37 -0700, Jain Vivek wrote:

I am sending the following patches to display a warning message to the
user (whenever he logs in) in case the server build he is using is old,
due to which some of the features might not appear/work.
The patches correspond to 
patch 1. e-d-s/servers/groupwise/e-gw-connection.[ch] adding a function
to return whether server version is returned by the server (it returns
only in the case of new build)

patch 2  e-d-s/camel  : adding an exception type
              e-d-s/camel/providers/groupwise/camel-groupwise-store.c :
setting the exception by after checking the version

patch 3  e-d-s/addressbook/libebook : defining new callstatus
returning different call status after checking the server version

patch 4  e-d-s/calendar/libecal : defining new callstatus
: returning different call status after checking the server version

patch 5  evolution/mail   defining new warning message, checking the
exception and displaying the warning , clearing the exception

patch 6. evolution/addressbook  defining new warning message, checking
the callstatus and displaying the warning 

patch 7  evolution/calendar defining new warning message, checking the
callstatus and displaying the warning 


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