[evolution-patches] Re: Revised patch for the e-d-s changes to support shared folders

Sorry, I had attached the wrong file.
Attached herewith is the proper file.
Index: e-gw-container.c
RCS file: /cvs/gnome/evolution-data-server/servers/groupwise/e-gw-container.c,v
retrieving revision 1.6
diff -u -p -r1.6 e-gw-container.c
--- e-gw-container.c	6 Dec 2004 01:31:31 -0000	1.6
+++ e-gw-container.c	3 Jan 2005 08:00:04 -0000
@@ -30,14 +30,27 @@
 struct _EGwContainerPrivate {
 	char *name;
 	char *id;
-	char *parent ;
+	char *parent;
+	int sequence;
+	char *owner;	
+	GList *user_list;	
+	const char *modified;
 	gboolean is_root ;
 	gboolean is_writable;
 	gboolean is_frequent_contacts; /*indicates  whether this folder is frequent contacts or not */
+	gboolean is_shared_by_me;   
+	gboolean is_shared_to_me;
 static GObjectClass *parent_class = NULL;
+static void e_gw_container_set_sequence (EGwContainer *container, int sequence);
+static void e_gw_container_set_modified (EGwContainer *container, const char *modified);
+static void e_gw_container_set_owner(EGwContainer *container, const char *owner);
+static void e_gw_container_set_is_shared_by_me (EGwContainer *container, gboolean is_shared_by_me);
+static void e_gw_container_set_is_shared_to_me (EGwContainer *container, gboolean is_shared_to_me);
 static void
 e_gw_container_dispose (GObject *object)
@@ -146,12 +159,18 @@ gboolean
 e_gw_container_set_from_soap_parameter (EGwContainer *container, SoupSoapParameter *param)
 	char *value;
+	int int_value;
+	int rights = 0;
+	gboolean byme = FALSE;
+	gboolean tome = FALSE;
 	SoupSoapParameter *subparam;
+	SoupSoapParameter *entry_subparam;
+	SoupSoapParameter *email_rt_subparam;
+	SoupSoapParameter *rights_subparam;
 	g_return_val_if_fail (E_IS_GW_CONTAINER (container), FALSE);
 	g_return_val_if_fail (param != NULL, FALSE);
 	/* retrieve the name */
 	subparam = soup_soap_parameter_get_first_child_by_name (param, "name");
 	if (!subparam) {
@@ -186,8 +205,235 @@ e_gw_container_set_from_soap_parameter (
 		e_gw_container_set_parent_id (container, (const char *) value);
 		g_free (value) ;
+/* Is shared by me*/
+	subparam = soup_soap_parameter_get_first_child_by_name (param, "isSharedByMe");
+	if (!subparam) {
+		e_gw_container_set_is_shared_by_me(container, FALSE);
+	} else {
+		value = soup_soap_parameter_get_string_value (subparam);
+		if (value) {
+			e_gw_container_set_is_shared_by_me (container, TRUE);
+			byme = TRUE;
+		} else {
+			e_gw_container_set_is_shared_by_me (container, FALSE);
+			byme = FALSE;
+		}
+		g_free (value);
+	}
+	/* is shared to me*/
+	subparam = soup_soap_parameter_get_first_child_by_name (param, "isSharedToMe");
+	if (!subparam) {
+		e_gw_container_set_is_shared_to_me (container, FALSE);
+	} else {
+		value = soup_soap_parameter_get_string_value (subparam);
+		if (value) {
+			e_gw_container_set_is_shared_to_me (container, TRUE);
+			tome = TRUE;
+		} else { 
+			e_gw_container_set_is_shared_to_me (container, FALSE);
+			tome = FALSE;
+		}
+		g_free (value);
+	}
+	/*Retrieve email add of the sharing person*/
+	if (tome || byme) {
+		subparam = soup_soap_parameter_get_first_child_by_name (param, "acl");
+		if (!subparam)
+			g_warning (G_STRLOC ": No ACL");
+		else {
+			for (entry_subparam = soup_soap_parameter_get_first_child_by_name (subparam, "entry");
+					entry_subparam != NULL;
+					entry_subparam = soup_soap_parameter_get_next_child_by_name (entry_subparam, "entry")) {
+				EShUsers *user = g_new0(EShUsers , 1);
+				email_rt_subparam = soup_soap_parameter_get_first_child_by_name (entry_subparam, "email");
+				if (!email_rt_subparam) {
+					g_warning (G_STRLOC ":Email Tag Not Available");
+				} else {
+					value = soup_soap_parameter_get_string_value (email_rt_subparam);
+					if (value) {
+						user->email = g_strdup (value);
+						g_free (value);	
+					}	
+					/* Retrieve Rights*/
+					email_rt_subparam = soup_soap_parameter_get_first_child_by_name (entry_subparam, "rights");
+					if (!email_rt_subparam)
+						break;
+					else {
+						rights = 0;
+						rights_subparam = soup_soap_parameter_get_first_child_by_name (email_rt_subparam, "add");	
+						if (rights_subparam) 	
+							rights = rights | 0x1;
+						rights_subparam = soup_soap_parameter_get_first_child_by_name (email_rt_subparam, "edit");	
+						if (rights_subparam) 
+							rights = rights | 0x2;
+						rights_subparam = soup_soap_parameter_get_first_child_by_name (email_rt_subparam, "delete");	
+						if (rights_subparam) 	
+							rights = rights | 0x4;
+						user->rights = rights;
+					}
+					container->priv->user_list = g_list_append (container->priv->user_list, user);
+				} 
+			}
+		}
+		/*Retrieve owner*/
+		subparam = soup_soap_parameter_get_first_child_by_name (param, "owner");
+		if (subparam) {
+			value = soup_soap_parameter_get_string_value (subparam);
+			e_gw_container_set_owner (container, value);
+			g_free (value);
+		}
+	}	
+		/* shared folder*/
+		/*Retrieve When Modified last*/
+		subparam = soup_soap_parameter_get_first_child_by_name (param, "modified");
+		if (subparam) {
+			value = soup_soap_parameter_get_string_value (subparam);
+			e_gw_container_set_modified (container, (const char *) value);
+			g_free (value);
+		}
+		/*retrieve sequence*/
+		subparam = soup_soap_parameter_get_first_child_by_name (param, "sequence");
-	return TRUE;
+		if (subparam) { 
+			int_value = soup_soap_parameter_get_int_value (subparam);
+			e_gw_container_set_sequence (container, int_value);		
+		}
+		return TRUE;
+	}
+e_gw_container_get_user_list (EGwContainer *container, GList **user_list)
+	g_return_if_fail (E_GW_CONTAINER (container));
+	*user_list = container->priv->user_list;
+e_gw_container_get_sequence (EGwContainer *container)
+	g_return_val_if_fail (E_IS_GW_CONTAINER (container), 0);
+	return (int)container->priv->sequence;
+static  void 
+e_gw_container_set_sequence (EGwContainer *container, int sequence)
+	g_return_if_fail (E_IS_GW_CONTAINER (container));
+	container->priv->sequence = sequence;
+const char *
+e_gw_container_get_modified (EGwContainer *container)
+	g_return_val_if_fail (E_IS_GW_CONTAINER (container), NULL);
+	return (const char *) container->priv->modified;
+static void
+e_gw_container_set_modified (EGwContainer *container, const char *modified)
+	EGwContainerPrivate *priv;
+	g_return_if_fail (E_IS_GW_CONTAINER (container));
+	g_return_if_fail (modified != NULL);
+	priv = container->priv;
+	if (priv->modified)
+		g_free (priv->modified);
+	priv->modified = g_strdup (modified);
+static void 
+e_gw_container_set_owner(EGwContainer *container, const char *owner)
+	EGwContainerPrivate *priv;
+	g_return_if_fail (E_IS_GW_CONTAINER(container));
+	g_return_if_fail (owner!=NULL);
+	priv = container->priv;
+	if (priv->owner)
+		g_free (container->priv->owner);
+	container->priv->owner = g_strdup (owner);
+const char *
+e_gw_container_get_owner (EGwContainer *container)
+	g_return_val_if_fail (E_GW_CONTAINER (container), NULL);
+	return (const char *) container->priv->owner;
+e_gw_container_get_rights (EGwContainer *container, gchar *email)
+	GList *user_list = NULL;
+	GList *node = NULL;
+	EShUsers *user = NULL;
+	g_return_val_if_fail (E_IS_GW_CONTAINER (container), 0);
+	user_list = container->priv->user_list;
+	for (node = user_list; node != NULL; node = node->next) {
+		user = node->data;
+		if( !strcmp (user->email, email))
+			return user->rights;
+	}
+	return 0;
+e_gw_container_get_is_shared_by_me (EGwContainer *container)
+	g_return_val_if_fail (E_IS_GW_CONTAINER (container), FALSE);
+	return (gboolean) container->priv->is_shared_by_me;
+static void
+e_gw_container_set_is_shared_by_me (EGwContainer *container, gboolean is_shared_by_me)
+	g_return_if_fail (E_IS_GW_CONTAINER (container));
+	container->priv->is_shared_by_me = is_shared_by_me;
+e_gw_container_get_is_shared_to_me (EGwContainer *container)
+	g_return_val_if_fail (E_IS_GW_CONTAINER (container), FALSE);
+	return (gboolean) container->priv->is_shared_to_me;
+static void
+e_gw_container_set_is_shared_to_me (EGwContainer *container, gboolean is_shared_to_me)
+	g_return_if_fail (E_IS_GW_CONTAINER (container));
+	container->priv->is_shared_to_me = is_shared_to_me;
 const char *
@@ -299,4 +545,123 @@ e_gw_container_is_root (EGwContainer *co
 	g_return_val_if_fail (E_IS_GW_CONTAINER (container), FALSE) ;
 	return container->priv->is_root ;
+/* flag specifies whether we are adding to acl or deleting one or more entries*/
+/* flag = 1 :delete single entry
+ * flag = 2 :delete all entries
+ * flag = 0 :add to acl
+ */
+e_gw_container_form_message (SoupSoapMessage *msg, gchar *id, GList *new_list, const char *sub, const char *mesg, int flag)
+	gboolean add, edit, del;
+	gchar *email = NULL;
+	GList *node = NULL;
+	EShUsers *user = NULL;
+	e_gw_message_write_string_parameter (msg, "id", NULL, id);
+	soup_soap_message_start_element (msg, "notification", NULL, NULL);
+	e_gw_message_write_string_parameter (msg, "subject", NULL, sub);
+	e_gw_message_write_string_parameter (msg, "message", NULL, mesg);
+	soup_soap_message_end_element (msg);
+	soup_soap_message_start_element (msg, "updates", NULL, NULL);
+	if (flag == 1) {
+		soup_soap_message_start_element (msg, "delete", NULL, NULL);
+		soup_soap_message_start_element (msg, "acl", NULL, NULL);
+		for (node = new_list; node != NULL; node = node->next) {
+			user = node->data;
+			add = edit = del = FALSE;
+			soup_soap_message_start_element (msg, "entry", NULL, NULL);
+			e_gw_message_write_string_parameter (msg, "displayName", NULL, "name");
+			email = g_strdup (user->email);	
+			if(user->rights & 0x1)
+				add = TRUE;
+			if(user->rights & 0x2)
+				edit = TRUE;
+			if(user->rights & 0x4)
+				del = TRUE;
+			e_gw_message_write_string_parameter (msg, "email", NULL, email);
+			soup_soap_message_start_element(msg, "rights", NULL, NULL);
+			e_gw_message_write_int_parameter (msg, "read", NULL, 1);
+			e_gw_message_write_int_parameter (msg, "add", NULL, add);
+			e_gw_message_write_int_parameter (msg, "edit", NULL, edit);
+			e_gw_message_write_int_parameter (msg, "delete", NULL, del);
+			soup_soap_message_end_element (msg);
+			soup_soap_message_end_element (msg);
+		}
+		soup_soap_message_end_element (msg);
+		soup_soap_message_end_element (msg);
+	} else if (flag == 0) {	
+		soup_soap_message_start_element (msg, "add", NULL, NULL);
+		soup_soap_message_start_element (msg, "acl", NULL, NULL);
+		for (node = new_list; node != NULL; node = node->next) {
+			user = node->data;
+			add=edit=del=FALSE;
+			soup_soap_message_start_element (msg, "entry", NULL, NULL);
+			e_gw_message_write_string_parameter (msg, "displayName", NULL,"");
+			email = g_strdup (user->email);	
+			if (user->rights & 0x1)
+				add = TRUE;
+			if (user->rights & 0x2)
+				edit = TRUE;
+			if (user->rights & 0x4)
+				del = TRUE;
+			e_gw_message_write_string_parameter (msg, "email", NULL, email);
+			soup_soap_message_start_element (msg, "rights", NULL, NULL);
+			e_gw_message_write_int_parameter (msg, "read", NULL, 1);
+			e_gw_message_write_int_parameter (msg, "add", NULL, add);
+			e_gw_message_write_int_parameter (msg, "edit", NULL, edit);
+			e_gw_message_write_int_parameter (msg, "delete", NULL, del);
+			soup_soap_message_end_element (msg);
+			soup_soap_message_end_element (msg);
+		} 
+		soup_soap_message_end_element (msg);
+		soup_soap_message_end_element (msg);
+	} else if (flag == 2) {	
+		soup_soap_message_start_element (msg, "update", NULL, NULL);
+		soup_soap_message_start_element (msg, "acl", NULL, NULL);
+		for (node = new_list; node != NULL; node = node->next) {
+			user = node->data;
+			add = edit = del = FALSE;
+			soup_soap_message_start_element (msg, "entry", NULL, NULL);
+			e_gw_message_write_string_parameter (msg, "displayName",NULL,"");
+			email = g_strdup (user->email);	
+			if (user->rights & 0x1)
+				add = TRUE;
+			if (user->rights & 0x2)
+				edit = TRUE;
+			if (user->rights & 0x4)
+				del =TRUE;
+			e_gw_message_write_string_parameter (msg, "email", NULL, email);
+			soup_soap_message_start_element (msg, "rights", NULL, NULL);
+			e_gw_message_write_int_parameter (msg, "read", NULL, 1);
+			e_gw_message_write_int_parameter (msg, "add", NULL, add);
+			e_gw_message_write_int_parameter (msg, "edit", NULL, edit);
+			e_gw_message_write_int_parameter (msg, "delete", NULL, del);
+			soup_soap_message_end_element (msg);
+			soup_soap_message_end_element (msg);
+		}
+		soup_soap_message_end_element (msg);
+		soup_soap_message_end_element (msg);
+	}
+	soup_soap_message_end_element (msg);	
Index: e-gw-container.h
RCS file: /cvs/gnome/evolution-data-server/servers/groupwise/e-gw-container.h,v
retrieving revision 1.5
diff -u -p -r1.5 e-gw-container.h
--- e-gw-container.h	6 Dec 2004 01:31:31 -0000	1.5
+++ e-gw-container.h	3 Jan 2005 08:00:04 -0000
@@ -25,6 +25,7 @@
 #include <libsoup/soup-soap-response.h>
+#include <libsoup/soup-soap-message.h>
@@ -34,6 +35,7 @@ G_BEGIN_DECLS
+typedef struct _EShUsers            EShUsers;
 typedef struct _EGwContainer        EGwContainer;
 typedef struct _EGwContainerClass   EGwContainerClass;
 typedef struct _EGwContainerPrivate EGwContainerPrivate;
@@ -47,6 +49,11 @@ struct _EGwContainerClass {
 	GObjectClass parent_class;
+struct _EShUsers {
+	char *email;
+	int rights;
 GType         e_gw_container_get_type (void);
 EGwContainer *e_gw_container_new_from_soap_parameter (SoupSoapParameter *param);
 gboolean      e_gw_container_set_from_soap_parameter (EGwContainer *container,
@@ -62,6 +69,14 @@ void          e_gw_container_set_is_writ
 gboolean     e_gw_container_get_is_frequent_contacts (EGwContainer *container);
 void         e_gw_container_set_is_frequent_contacts (EGwContainer *container, gboolean is_frequent_contacts);
 gboolean    e_gw_container_is_root (EGwContainer *container) ;
+const char *  e_gw_container_get_owner(EGwContainer *container);
+const char *  e_gw_container_get_modified(EGwContainer *container);
+int           e_gw_container_get_sequence(EGwContainer *container);
+gboolean      e_gw_container_get_is_shared_by_me(EGwContainer *container);
+gboolean      e_gw_container_get_is_shared_to_me(EGwContainer *container);
+int 	      e_gw_container_get_rights(EGwContainer *container, gchar *email);
+void 	      e_gw_container_get_user_list(EGwContainer *container, GList **user_list);
+void	      e_gw_container_form_message (SoupSoapMessage *msg, gchar *id, GList *new_list, const char *sub, const char *mesg, int flag);
Index: e-gw-connection.c
RCS file: /cvs/gnome/evolution-data-server/servers/groupwise/e-gw-connection.c,v
retrieving revision 1.89
diff -u -p -r1.89 e-gw-connection.c
--- e-gw-connection.c	6 Dec 2004 01:31:31 -0000	1.89
+++ e-gw-connection.c	3 Jan 2005 08:00:05 -0000
@@ -2094,3 +2094,29 @@ e_gw_connection_add_item (EGwConnection 
 	return status;
+e_gw_connection_share_folder(EGwConnection *cnc, gchar *id, GList *new_list, const char *sub, const char *mesg ,int flag) 
+	SoupSoapMessage *msg;
+	SoupSoapResponse *response;
+	EGwConnectionStatus status = E_GW_CONNECTION_STATUS_UNKNOWN;
+	msg = e_gw_message_new_with_header (e_gw_connection_get_uri (cnc), e_gw_connection_get_session_id (cnc), "modifyItemRequest");
+	e_gw_container_form_message (msg, id, new_list, sub, mesg, flag);
+	e_gw_message_write_footer (msg);
+	response =  e_gw_connection_send_message (cnc, msg);
+	if (!response) {
+		g_object_unref (msg);
+	}
+	status = e_gw_connection_parse_response_status (response);
+		reauthenticate (cnc);
+	/* free memory */
+	g_object_unref (response);
+	g_object_unref (msg);
+	return status;
Index: e-gw-connection.h
RCS file: /cvs/gnome/evolution-data-server/servers/groupwise/e-gw-connection.h,v
retrieving revision 1.39
diff -u -p -r1.39 e-gw-connection.h
--- e-gw-connection.h	6 Dec 2004 01:31:31 -0000	1.39
+++ e-gw-connection.h	3 Jan 2005 08:00:05 -0000
@@ -119,6 +119,7 @@ EGwConnectionStatus e_gw_connection_get_
 EGwConnectionStatus e_gw_connection_create_folder(EGwConnection *cnc, const char *parent_name,const char *folder_name, char **container_id) ;
 EGwConnectionStatus e_gw_connection_get_attachment (EGwConnection *cnc, const char *id, int offset, int length, const char **attachment, int *attach_lenght) ;
 EGwConnectionStatus e_gw_connection_add_item (EGwConnection *cnc, const char *container, const char *id) ;
+EGwConnectionStatus e_gw_connection_share_folder (EGwConnection *cnc, gchar *id, GList *new_list, const char *sub, const char *mesg ,int flag); 

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