[evolution-patches] Re: Patch for mail/calendar using the timestamps sent by the server in getQM messages [Groupwise backend]

The groupwise provider part looks good to me.
On Mon, 2005-02-28 at 10:04 +0530, Harish Krishnaswamy wrote:
>Attached patch stores the time string retrieved from the server into
>the camel summary and uses it to poll the server on the next getQM call.
>[This patch leaves the gw summary version unchanged though it adds a new
>property - as i have assumed that it can handle the absence of the
>timestamp gracefully. fejj/partha - pl. confirm if this is safe].
>The calendar portion contains a change to store the time_string after a
>'New' poll - else we lose changes that have occured b/w the New and
>Modified calls.
>Also, it is incorrect to expect Modified calls to return a timestamp.
>Fixed that too.
>Kindly review the same.
>PS: still unable to send/receive mails from my regular account. would
>use this id until then.. chen, do let me my patches in :-)

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