[evolution-patches] Re: ximian bug #65329, translated standard mailbox names

On Thu, 23 Sep 2004 22:08:22 +0200, Christian Rose <menthos gnome org> wrote:

> > I also don't follow.  i18n issues != code freeze issues. 2.8.1 isn't in code freeze, afaik.
> Since this patch reintroduces translatable strings that were not marked
> as translateable before the string freeze began, this patch needs string
> freeze approval. Since you wrote to the gnome-i18n list, I assumed you
> wanted said approval. Am I misunderstanding something?

If I understand correctly, the confusion was in how string freezes
work.  Yes, it is gnome-i18n that approves string freezes and not the
release team, but the release team is still suppose to be cc'ed on
string freeze break requests (see
http://developer.gnome.org/dotplan/tasks.html or


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