Re: [evolution-patches] GNOME Bounty feturerequest #127557

On Fri, 2004-11-19 at 14:57 +0100, Philip Van Hoof wrote:

The patch implements the feature request to save Calendars and Tasks as
comma separated files.

It will modify the save-calendar plugin menu to have a submenu with two

Save as iCal (current feature)
Save comma separated file

It will save each record as one line of double-quote comma separated
record-entities. Which one of the record-entities are saved and the
ordering is questioned in the patch-source. I've included a few obvious

The patch uses the ECalComponent data-struct and the
e_cal_get_object_list_as_comp() method to gain access to the calendar-
information in the plugin.

More information about the feature request can be found here. The
original feature request was a GNOME Bounty less then a year ago.

I didn't found anybody who was working on this, wanted to learn about
the new Evolution plugins anyway, so decided to implement this feature
and by that claiming the bounty.


So this is my by-the-bounty-rules-required request to review the
patch :-)

Philip Van Hoof, Software Developer @ Cronos
home: me at freax dot org
gnome: pvanhoof at gnome dot org
work: philip dot vanhoof at cronos dot be
junk: philip dot vanhoof at gmail dot com,

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