Re: [evolution-patches] 62856, all, asking passwords in offline mode

committed to head only

On Fri, 2004-08-27 at 16:28 +0800, Not Zed wrote:

this is a fairly clean but sort of dirty workaround for asking passwords in offline mode.  it assumes if the calendar or addressbook is asking for a password then it must be a remote resource.  mail doesn't need it as it does the right thing already, and smime should only be local resources.  gpg w/ remote keyservers is another issue, i don't know what happens right now or if we can really do anything about it anyway.

If the app is offline, we just return that the user has cancelled the password request, it is up to the backend as to what it does with no auth.  some annoying popup boxes may be likely from the addressbook at least (the mailer explicitly surpresses any followon error boxes after user expliclty cancels something).

this works since everything is in-proc now.

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