Re: [evolution-patches] 63881 (dragging messages from vfolders)

The unmatched folder's parent store should not be the same as the imap folder's parent store in the first place, so i think this patch is just hiding another bug.

I suspect it is something to do with the order of initialisation, perhaps the imap's trash folder is the first vfolder to come into existance, so the unmatched folder is getting the wrong parent store.

It would probably make sense for the unmatched folder to be initialised explictly somehow, rather than being intialised the first time a folder is initialised.  Although at an initial glance i'm not sure where this can be done since the evolution root vfolder store is setup outside of camel.

The unmatched folder should really be specific to the vee-store itself actually.

On Wed, 2004-08-25 at 02:06 +0100, Edward Catmur wrote:

camel vee-folders throw an exception when transfer_messages_to is called
on them, even when dragging messages *out* of a vfolder (and give a
confusing error message). This does not happen very often, but this
patch eliminates one instance. Hope someone can review it.

Patch to Changelog is in separate file.

Ed Catmur
Michael Zucchi <notzed ximian com>
"born to die, live to work, it's all downhill from here"
Novell's Evolution and Free Software Developer

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