[evolution-patches] tiny fix for tesgtkhtml

htmlurl.c had some bad logic for url combining, this is only used in the
test program but it was annoying as I tested things so here is a small

Index: htmlurl.c
RCS file: /cvs/gnome/gtkhtml/src/htmlurl.c,v
retrieving revision 1.15
diff -u -p -r1.15 htmlurl.c
--- htmlurl.c	13 Dec 2000 23:10:51 -0000	1.15
+++ htmlurl.c	17 May 2003 16:51:15 -0000
@@ -468,7 +468,7 @@ concat_dir_and_file (const char *dir, co
         /* If the directory name doesn't have a / on the end, we need
 	   to add one so we get a proper path to the file */
-	if (dir [strlen(dir) - 1] != PATH_SEP)
+	if (*dir && dir [strlen(dir) - 1] != PATH_SEP)
 		return g_strconcat (dir, PATH_SEP_STR, file, NULL);
 		return g_strconcat (dir, file, NULL);
@@ -492,10 +492,10 @@ html_url_append_path (const HTMLURL *url
 	if((ptr = strchr(tmppath, '?')))
 		*ptr = 0;
-	i = strlen(tmppath) - 1;
+	i = strlen(tmppath);
 	/* Remove first '/' from the right */
-	while(i && tmppath[i] != '/')
+	while(i && tmppath[i-1] != '/')

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