Re: [evolution-patches] Bonobo Ref Counting Patches

I was skimming the changes to figure out if I need to do anything in
Connector and noticed a few things.

> +++ cal-client/cal-client.c     13 May 2003 15:51:10 -0000
> @@ -428,6 +428,7 @@
>         /* The server unrefs the query listener, so we just NULL it
> out here */
>         if (priv->listener) {
>                 cal_listener_stop_notification (priv->listener);
> +               bonobo_object_unref (priv->listener);
>                 priv->listener = NULL;
>         }

The comment is now wrong. (Or more likely, "was always wrong". :-)

> -       g_signal_connect (cal_table->invisible, "destroy",
> -                         G_CALLBACK (invisible_destroyed),
> cal_table);
> +       g_signal_connect_after (cal_table->invisible, "destroy",
> +                               G_CALLBACK (invisible_destroyed),
> cal_table);

Do these still do anything or are they just remnants of earlier attempts
to fix? (Why does it matter if you NULL the variables before or after
the object is completely destroyed?)

-- Dan

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