[evolution-patches] Fix for Bug #51482

This fixes the folder tree overriding the text color dependent on new
messages or not. It was either using blue or black, depending on the
existence of unread messages. This makes 1.5's folder tree in the mailer
show unread messages in the same way that 1.4 does, with bold text.

-- dobey

Index: em-folder-tree.c
RCS file: /cvs/gnome/evolution/mail/em-folder-tree.c,v
retrieving revision 1.35
diff -u -r1.35 em-folder-tree.c
--- em-folder-tree.c	4 Dec 2003 20:04:43 -0000	1.35
+++ em-folder-tree.c	5 Dec 2003 22:04:01 -0000
@@ -277,9 +277,8 @@
 		display = g_strdup (name);
 	g_object_set (renderer, "text", display,
-		      "weight", bold ? PANGO_WEIGHT_BOLD : PANGO_WEIGHT_NORMAL,
-		      "foreground_set", unread ? TRUE : FALSE,
-		      "foreground", unread ? "#0000ff" : "#000000", NULL);
+		      "weight", bold || unread ? PANGO_WEIGHT_BOLD : PANGO_WEIGHT_NORMAL,
+		      "foreground_set", unread ? TRUE : FALSE, NULL);
 	g_free (display);

Attachment: signature.asc
Description: This is a digitally signed message part

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