Re: Re: [evolution-patches] Bounty Hunt patch: Set wallpaper from mailer

On Mon, 2003-12-01 at 17:55, David Moore wrote:
Updated patch attached. I'm sending in a copyright assignment form tomorrow, so hopefully that'll get to Boston in a few days.
> Actually, you might also need/want to peek the mime type to create a
> suitable extension for the image file (.png, etc) if the name isn't
> set.

Okay, done. Right now I'm just using the mime subtype as the extension, so it could conceivably end up as untitled_image.x-png or something weird like that, but it generally works as expected (and this is a rare case anyway). 
Might need a mapping table, but i guess this will do for a start.

> Since this now saves to a filename based on the email itself, it 
> needs
> to:
>  ...
>  - do some (automatic) smarts so it doesn't over-write something with
> the same name (e.g. add a " (n)" to the name if it clashes).
>      I guess this logic could go into em_utils_save_path_to_file()
> since
> its intended for non-interactive, automatic, use.

I put it in emp_part_popup_set_background(), because it's possible that someone else would use em_utils_save_path_to_file() and would want it to overwrite instead of renaming. Also, doing it in em_utils_save_path_to_file() would require it to return the new path so emp_part_popup_set_background() would know what to set the gconf key to, which is needlessly complex. That okay with you?
The stuff Jeff mentioned about a race condition isn't really a problem, this is a user-owned space, not a world-writable one.

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