[Evolution-hackers] Strange filename in help/C/figures/


While trying to import Evolution into a local git repository (the reason
is that I want to refine and send patches using StGIT), I have noticed a
file with a bizarre name:

help/C/figures/Screenshot-Evolution -mailer-Preferences.png

Yes, there is a space in the name right before the minus.  The file
doesn't seen to be referenced by any documentation.  However, there is a
link to a missing file figures/mailer_preferences.png from

$ grep figures/ evolution.xml |grep mailer
  <mediaobject id="config-prefs-mail-fig"><imageobject><imagedata format="PNG" fileref="figures/mailer_preferences.png"/></imageobject></mediaobject>

I believe "Screenshot-Evolution -mailer-Preferences.png" should be
renamed to mailer_preferences.png

Pavel Roskin

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