[Evolution-hackers] Evolution functionality


Perhaps this has been addressed in the past, but during a brief scan I
was unable to come up with anything so please in advance forgive this
message if it is a rehash of a dead/solved issue.

I am curious about two things with respect to functionality.  

#1) A filter to remove duplicate e-mails.  Boy would this be a treat.
Does it exist currently?  If not, would it be a
hard/difficult/excessively time consuming thing to facilitate?  If not
I'd be happy to even write it if someone can shed some light on where to

#2) Maildir was removed some time ago as best I can tell.  Anyone happen
to know the subject of the thread(s) where I can read up on why this was
the case and or discern the status of this apparently former

Thanks in advance for any response(s) yielded.



James Couzens,
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