[Evolution-hackers] Getting an appointment's summary info...

...there seem to be a couple of ways to do it, assuming that you already
have a handle on an ECalComponent:

- use the ECalComponentText widget

ECalComponentText summary;
e_cal_component_get_summary(ev_appt, &summary);
g_message("Summary is %s", summary.value);

- use the icalcomponent property stuff

icalcomponent* icc = e_cal_component_get_icalcomponent(ev_appt);
icalproperty* prop = icalcomponent_get_first_property (icc,
g_message("Summary is %s", (char*)icalproperty_get_summary(prop));

Is there a preferred way to handle these things?  The first way strikes
me as more readable... just wondering if that was the usual



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