Re: [Evolution-hackers] Patch proposal to e-msg-composer and -attachment-bar

On Wed, 2005-06-22 at 22:24 +0200, smurfd wrote:
> Hey! 
> I have created a small addition to the attachment bar in the mail
> composer.
> What it does, is create a additional string to the "1 Attachment" / "2
> Attachments" lable in the mail composer attachment bar.
> Now it says, "1 Attachment, size of 5k" / "2 Attachments, total size of
> 100k"

Hmm, the code looks ok. I guess, it would be nice, if we just show 1
Attachment (100k) or 3 Attachments (1.2MB), instead of the huge string.

Check with notzed as well.
> I Personally think its a very handy thing to have, seeing how some SMTP
> servers has a limit on how large your mails can be (i was tought
> recently). If you have N attached files, it can be messy to know how
> much you have attached to the mail.
> was unsure how to create a patch for the 3 of the different files, into
> 1 patch, and since you cant put files on the list, i'll try to describe
> where the things are supposed to be ;)
> Best regards
> /Nicklas
> --evolution/composer/e-msg-composer-attachment-bar.h-- 
> line 74: gchar* get_attachment_size_string (EMsgComposerAttachmentBar
> *bar);
> -----
> --evolution/composer/e-msg-composer-attachment-bar.c--
> line 404: gchar* get_attachment_size_string (EMsgComposerAttachmentBar
> *bar) {	
> 	EMsgComposerAttachmentBarPrivate *priv;
> 	GList *p;
> 	gulong size=(gulong)0;
> 	priv = bar->priv;
> 	for (p = priv->attachments; p != NULL; p = p->next) {
> 		EMsgComposerAttachment *attachment;
> 		attachment = E_MSG_COMPOSER_ATTACHMENT (p->data);
> 		size = size + (gulong)attachment->size;
> 	}
> 	return size_to_string(size);
> }
> ----
> --evolution/composer/e-msg-composer.c--
> line 2308: 	if (attachment_num) {
> 		gchar *num_text = 
> 		g_strdup_printf ( ngettext( (gchar *)g_strdup_printf 
> 			("<b>%d</b> Attachment, size of %s",(int)attachment_num,
> 			get_attachment_size_string((EMsgComposerAttachmentBar *)
> 			composer->attachment_bar)),
> 			(gchar *)g_strdup_printf
> 			("<b>%d</b> Attachments, total size of %s",
> 			(int)attachment_num, get_attachment_size_string(
> 			(EMsgComposerAttachmentBar *)composer->attachment_bar))	
> 			,attachment_num));
> 		gtk_label_set_markup (GTK_LABEL(
> 			composer->attachment_expander_num),num_text);
> 		g_free (num_text);
> 		gtk_widget_show (composer->attachment_expander_icon);
> 	} else {
> ... (same as the old stuff)
> ----
> _______________________________________________
> evolution-hackers maillist  -  evolution-hackers lists ximian com

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