[Evolution-hackers] I will donate 500$ to any one can sync my PockPC to Evolution


I'm using Evolution since version 1.3, I use it for my work exchange
account (email, calender, tasks) and everything seems to be fine with
it, the only thing that I am not able to do it is to synce my data from
evolution to my PocketPC, I'm tring to do that for the past 7 months !!
( my problem can be found in
http://sourceforge.net/mailarchive/forum.php?thread_id=7240831&forum_id=15200 )

anyway, if anyone guys can make me able to synce to/from my pocketPC and
my evolution (Calender, Tasks, Addressbook) I will send to him 500$ or
donate it to any project he want

this is a really offer because I need this thing to work in order to use
my laptop and my pocketpc for my work

This offer will be like this:

The solution must be:

1. Work with PocketPC (check the link above)
2. Work with Gnome 2.10
3. Work with Evolution
4. Work with local Task, Calender, Address book (no need to work with
the exchange but it will be better)
5. Will synce everything (Task,Calender,Address book) from/to evolution
from/to PocketPC and if you modify any thing it with modify it in the
other device
6. for any conflict it will ask the user (no need to make it smart
program that resolve the problem)
7. stable
8. the code imported to synce (option)
9. Open source code

for any question or anything else please send it as reply for this
message or with the subject "synce"


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