Re: [Evolution-hackers] Ditching ETable

That would be great for a11y work.

JP Rosevear wrote:

>What would people think if we replaced the remaining etable usages (mail
>and task/calendar lists) with GtkTreeView?  The advantages are:
>1) One less big piece of complicated code to maintain
>2) Bi-directional text will just work
>3) A11y work will be easier
>The disadvantages are:
>1) Potential performance hit (really only matters for mail, unlikely to
>have 10000 tasks or events in a month), NotZed said that performance
>wasn't bad in his eplugin test (improved from earlier gtk's anyhow) and
>spending 1-2 man months on the performance issues is less work than
>doing various bits of etable maintenance work in all likeliehood.

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