[Evolution-hackers] Problem in getting the ESource_name from EBook

 I am writing some application for which I create 

EBook *book =e_book_new_system_addressbook(NULL);

now i get 
ESource *source= e_book_get_source(book);

when i print 
printf("SourceName = %s", e_source_peek_name(source));

I am not getting any Value. (it is empty !!).

When i looked at Evolution code it looks like the implementation of (in
the file e-book.c)
EBook *e_book_new_sytem_addressbook(GError **error) {
/* THIS call will always fail b'se "system" property does not exsist
and it will create e_book from URI !!!! */



Is it a defect !!! I need to have *name* of the source ..though
alternate way(will be very costly for my application) is there to get
the *name* but API should provide it.

thanx in advance,
Jayant (aZEN_JM)

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