[Evolution-hackers] [Fwd: Evolution and stock icons.]

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[Sorry for my bad english :)   ]


I'm making a icon theme for gnome. I've problems with evolution, 
because some icons not are "gtk-standard".

I read in evolution-mail-message.xml, in evolution cvs the following:

evolution-addressbook.xml: use stock icons where possible

And I supose that not all the icons in evo are stock icons. I'll like 
make a consistent theme.

In other software, like gtk-vim or rhythmbox, they don't use the 
standard gtk icons, but I write in a iconrc the necessary lines to use 
a standard.

You know where in the evolution source, are the includes with 
something like :

"GTK-Fuction" --> pixname.png

In evolution-mail-message.xml I read:

<cmd name="EditCopy"
     _tip="Copy selected message(s) to the clipboard"
     accel="*Control*c" pixtype="stock" pixname="gtk-copy"/>

It's ok to use the gtk-copy standard icon, but, for example:

cmd name="MessageForward"
     _tip="Forward the selected message to someone"

Ok, pixtype="pixbuf"... O_o I can't understand.

Can you help me?


La Mula Francis

(I know that its difficult understand me, sorry :)

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