Re: [Evolution-hackers] Bounties?

ERDI Gergo wrote:


I couldn't find an email address associated with Evolution bounties, so I
decided to write here.
I've filled the claim forms nearly a month ago and haven't been contacted
since then. Should I be worried? Are my records lost? Or maybe processing
the claims merely takes more time than planned?


Same problem here :S

I sent an e-mail to Aaron Weber about this about two weeks ago, and here's what he said:

Oh! If it's in the Round One, then we'll send it sooner. I'll make sure Ben gets your address; he'll contact you if anything else needs to be arranged.

We've been kind of slow about this-- LinuxWorld Expo had us running around busy for awhile. Sorry it's taken so long!

Didn't hear about it again after that though...

-- meilof wanadoo nl

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