Re: [Evolution-hackers] GNOME Certificate Database Library proposal

On Sat, 2004-04-03 at 19:45, JP Rosevear wrote:
> On Fri, 2004-04-02 at 17:04 -0400, Robert Marcano wrote:
> > I have written a GNOME Certificate Database Library proposal (work in
> > progress), and i want to share it in order to know your ideas about how
> > to improve it before start the implementation phase
> > 
> >
> Are you aware of gnome key ring?

Yes, but it is not designed to store and retrieve certificates, neither
to obtain them by email, type (for example CA certificates), only
private secrets like passwords, gnome key ring does what mozilla
password manager do, this library or equivalent must do what mozilla
certificate manager do, with the added feature to use public
certificates stored outside of the user directory, for example CA
certificates, one example of its usage is on an enterprise environment
where you want to configure each network enabled application like
evolution or epiphany to accept a new company deployed CA certificate to
validate S/MIME emails or web site access

> -JP
Robert Marcano

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