Re: [Evolution-hackers] spam filtering

On Wed, 2003-10-01 at 16:27, Radek Doul�wrote:
> Hi all,
> before I start implementing spam filtering for evolution, I would like
> to discuss my plan. Please read the whole mail and comment. I am
> describing the model from user view and then implementation details
> and some things to think about. I took Ettore's model as a base and
> modified it a little bit - mostly simplified.
> User view
>       * incoming messages are identified by spam filter as spam or
>         nospam (IMAP messages are filtered once completed - fully
>         downloaded). 
>       * spam messages are moved to Spam folder or deleted 
>       * new [No]Spam button on toolbar and item in menubar
>         Actions/[No]Spam. when message was identified as Spam,
>         button/item says NoSpam to revive the message from Spam folder
>         (spam flag is set to false and incoming message filters are
>         applied). For nospam messages it says spam to mark message as
>         Spam (spam flag is set to true and message is moved to Spam
>         folder).
>       * new page labeled "Spam filtering" in Mail preferences section
>         of Settings dialog 
>                 [checkbox] filter incoming messages - default: enabled
>                 Spam messages are [option menu - moved to Spam
>                 folder/deleted] default: moved to Spam folder 
>                 Spam filter [option menu - spam filters list] default:
>                 1st filter 
>                 Filter options frame with filter specific options 
> Described above is the simplest model I have. I think simplicity is
> good here. It also lowers risks of time based schedule. Additional
> features could be implemented once this model works.
> Additional features
>       * display spam filter score
>       * "Check spam" filter rule
>         some people may not want to filter every incoming message
>         (because it could be too slow) and instead to filter messages
>         only per folder. (it's OK to have spam messages in mailing
>         list folders but not in personal mail folder)
>       * more - add your favorite feature here

Something I occasionally find useful:
	* "why was this email marked as spam?"

It's nice when you spot a false positive to be able to track down why it
got marked as spam; need some kind of UI for this, which I suspect would
be heavily backend-dependent.

Currently I find myself manually invoking span assassin and searching
through the headers, which I wouldn't wish on an end-user.


David Malcolm

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