[Evolution-hackers] e_cal_get_object_list query


I'm almost done with a panel clock / calendar integration patch. I am having a bit of trouble getting recurrences to work. I'm trying to use e_cal_generate_instances. However, I can't get it to find any objects. I think I have tracked it down to the following:

query = g_strdup_printf ("(occur-in-time-range? (%lu) (%lu))",
                         start, end);
e_cal_get_object_list (ecal, query, &objects, NULL);

Returns an error, while

query = g_strdup_printf ("(occur-in-time-range? %lu %lu)",
                         start, end);
e_cal_get_object_list (ecal, query, &objects, NULL);

Doesn't return an error but finds no objects, while

iso_start = isodate_from_time_t (start);
iso_end   = isodate_from_time_t (end);
query = g_strdup_printf ("(occur-in-time-range? (make-time \"%s\") (make-time \"%s\"))"
                         iso_start, iso_end);
e_cal_get_object_list (ecal, query, &objects, NULL);

finds objects.

Am I doing something wrong?

Thanks much,

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