Re: [Evolution-hackers] importers importing outside of local folders, bug 38461

On Tue, 2003-03-11 at 23:53, Not Zed wrote:
> > > 2. it wont work if you have the same path in different stores.
> > > 
> > oh, so, given a folderpath, you can't know what the associated URI is?
> Well checking the code that gets the folder name, it strips the account,
> and then passes the remainder off to the importer.  So you actually lose
> that info and only have the base folder left.
> So it really needs to pass out the full evolution uri, and all the
> importers need to be fixed to handle the change, which seems to be a
> fair job in the case of the mailer ones, if only because nobody is
> familiar with the code.

I also think so. Having the importers get the folderpath does not make a
lot of sense, IMO. The full URI will work perfectly for the calendar
importers (in fact, it will make us remove the folderpath->uri
conversion), so if that fits well the mailer and addressbook importers,
I'd vote for it.


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