Re: Proposal for bookmarks/history database

On Tue, Nov 15, 2005 at 09:50:53AM +1100, Peter Harvey wrote:
>Database layout (warning: I am not a database person).
>Each 'node' of information is identified by a unique integer. We store
>the statement "node X belongs to a set Y" as "node X is a child of node
>table 'set'
>  int parent      # index on this field
>  int child
>table 'pages'
>  int id          # primary key
>  string url      # url
>  string title    # title from last visit
>  string icon     # icon from last visit
>  string btitle   # NULL if not bookmarked otherwise it's bookmark title
>  string bicon    # NULL if should default to icon
>  date visit      # date of visit
>table 'sites'
>  int id          # primary key
>  string name     # things like '' or ''
>table 'topics'
>  int id          # primary key
>  string title    # title of the topic

Just to see if I understand what you mean:

 1. set - table used to group things together
 2. pages - table for storing history
 3. sites - table of bookmarks
 4. topics - table of topics

To put a site S in a topic T you add a row (, to 'set', right?
Won't 'sites' need a URL field as well? Or are you proposing coupling
every site with a page? If you are, cleaning out history needs a little
care, right?
Will the handling of hierarchical topics remain in the UI? (I.e. a topic
with a name like "X->Y" will show up in the menu as an item X with a
sub-item Y.)


Magnus Therning                    (OpenPGP: 0xAB4DFBA4)
magnus therning org

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