Re: Patch for topic selector, and dnd for bookmarks menu

On Thu, 2005-11-03 at 14:43 +1100, Peter Harvey wrote:
> "Show all topics" makes the list show all topics. Clicking on a topic
> appends it to the text-entry widget (topics in the widget are comma
> separated) and removes it from the list. This "click-to-add" concept
> will be used for the other 3 options as well.

Nowhere else on the desktop does clicking on a list item make it
disappear. At the very least, these list items should have checkboxes

(Potential visual problem: I take it that the list of topics will be a
tree in the "top-level topics" case; maybe tree expanders will look ugly
next to checkboxes?)

In general, I think the idea is nice but way too complicated. When will
a given bookmark use more than, say, 5 topics? I get the feeling the
displayed list of potential topics could be around 5-10 long,
automatically generated (with suggested and topics). If the
user wants more topics, perhaps an "Other topic..." button?

Compare that with the current user interface, which lists all topics:
showing only 5-10 topics would be a huge improvement, and it would be
simpler. We're coming to a time in computing when we have to trust that
the computer knows what we want; auto-suggesting topics ought to be
flawless, no?

(Of course, this begs the question: if we can develop a system which
automatically suggests topics which are very reasonable, we ought to be
able to simplify to the point that the user would never have to choose
topics at all....)

Adam Hooper <adamh densi com>

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