Pyphany 0.1.1


* What is it ?

Pyphany contains Python bindings for the Epiphany API, as well as a
loader for Epiphany Extensions written in Python.
It also contains two sample extensions, including an interactive Python

* What's new ?

Pyphany 0.1.1

        * Added a sample for generating menu entries [Adam Hooper]
        * Wrap EphyStatusbar, and create a sample extension which uses it [Adam Hooper]
        * Improve Python Console extension [Adam Hooper]
        * Fix crash with Python 2.4 [Gustavo Carneiro, #165508]
        * Add a message telling people to install epiphany-extensions if they don't
          have it already [Crispin Flowerday]
        * Added sample extension which listens for location changes [Adam Hooper]

* Where can I get it ?

Source code:

04aa6e6707728efc6e3367e409e6efa5845b041a  pyphany-0.1.1.tar.bz2

Pyphany 0.1 requires Epiphany 1.5.6 or above:



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