Basic certificate support?


Denmark (a country in the northern part of Europa, if anyone is
wondering) is starting to use what is called "digital signatures" for
a lot of things related to the authorities. The idea is to give
everyone a certificate so that much of the traditional paperwork can
be done over the web.

The problem is that the step one in the guide when obtaining the
certificate is to export it to a backup. Epiphany seems to lack
support for this, which worries me a bit given that it's a task that
common people will have to perform. A related problem is transfering
the certificate from one machine to another, e.g. desktop to laptop.
So is support for import/export planned? Should I file a wish-list bug
on Bugzilla?

I'm aware of the extension thing - I tried it and it gave me a big
dialog that worked fine. But it seems to me that a smaller window with
just import/export bundled with Epiphany itself would cover the needs
of most people. Maybe as a tab in the personal data manager:

 Cookies | Passwords | *Certificates* 
 Certificate Name        Issued       Expires     |  [Import...]
 TDC - Ole Laursen       12-05-2004   12-06-2006  |  [Export]
 ...                                              |  [Delete]

(Please keep the CC as I'm not subscribed to the list.)

Ole Laursen

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