Epiphany 1.4.7


* What is it ?

Epiphany is the GNOME web browser, based on the mozilla
rendering engine. It aims to be simple and easy to use.


Epiphany 1.4.7 is the latest stable release in the GNOME 2.8 series.

* What's changed ?

Epiphany 1.4.7


        * Use stock icon for "Open In New Tab" in History Window and Bookmarks Editor
        * Don't offer to resume if there are open windows [#160345]
        * Deactivate the context menu on window close [#156812]
        * Fix build in !MOZILLA_HAVE_PSM case
        * Make the extensions modules resident [#160945]
        * Disable Print and Print Preview while still loading the page [#116344]
        * Correct language code for Afrikaans
        * Adapt to changed mozilla APIs
        * Wrap the label in the Confirm Overwrite dialogue [#161771]
Translation updates

        * Ercin Eker (tr)

* Where can I get it ?

Source code:

sha1 sum:
275ee2be6a256001db43f9aa9c90fadb6f9f9549  epiphany-1.4.7.tar.bz2

Epiphany 1.4.7 requires mozilla 1.7, 1.7.x, 1.7 branch, 1.8a5 or trunk;
or firefox 1.0.
The recommended version is Mozilla 1.7.5:

More about dependencies and installation tips:



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