Re: Bug with mixed form and table.

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Leszek Dubiel wrote:
| This:
| <html><body>
|     <form>
|     <table width="100%" height="100%" border="1">
|         <tr><td>alfa</td></tr>
|         <tr><td height="100%"><textarea>asfda</textarea></td></tr>
|     </table>
|     </form>
| </body></html>
| look different than this:
| <html><body>
|     <table width="100%" height="100%" border="1">
|     <form>
|         <tr><td>alfa</td></tr>
|         <tr><td height="100%"><textarea>asfda</textarea></td></tr>
|     </form>
|     </table>
| </body></html>
| Question -- why? In IE, Mozilla, Firefox table has really
| 100% height of the window.

Two reasons:

1. Works for me. Both look identical on Epiphany 1.2.2 (Debian
experimental). In fact, if Mozilla renders it differently than Epiphany
for you, that can only be (as far as I can see) because your Epiphany is
linked against a different version of Mozilla which is also installed on
your computer (i.e., you have two Mozillas).

2. DO NOT WRITE THIS HTML. It is pure evil. There are perfectly
accessible and legible standards at Mozilla comes with
its own web page authoring tool, and there are plenty of other free
tools to design web pages; many of these write valid HTML.

Actually, the code you wrote is not even HTML at all.

And since it's not HTML, the browser can render it however the hell it
wants. It has no standards to which it must adhere.

I've written an Error Viewer extension for Epiphany -- in Debian
experimental, apt-get install epiphany-extensions to install it. It adds
a menu option, Tools -> Check HTML, which will instantly tell you all
your HTML errors.

There is no excuse for invalid HTML. Never ask why invalid HTML doesn't
render *properly*: if web browser developers had it their way, invalid
HTML wouldn't render *at all*. (In fact, this is almost the case with
XHTML 1.1.)

But the more nice way for me to put it would be, "It's Mozilla's
problem, not Epiphany's" :). The rest of this email is just a huge rant
because the World Wide Web sucks.

| PS. I don't subscribe your list.

You're missing out! :).

- --
Adam Hooper
adamh densi com
Version: GnuPG v1.2.4 (GNU/Linux)


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