Re: [Epiphany] Musings on Bookmarks from an Armchair Developer


I cut out your message, cuz there weren't any specific points i wanted to 
address other than we (the epiphany devs + me) basically agree with you. I 
think the long term goal is to move the bookmarks system to using Storage Storage is a document store for manipulating 
files. Its pretty cool although still in infancy. It has all the metadata 
features you've mentioned etc and uses postgresql as a backend. I believe 
marco is working on a text indexer that will search through the html files 
and used the page data as metadata for each bookmark in the store. Keep in 
mind this is somewhat futurish, so don't expect it to soon. 

As for the searching interface I will point you at the storage again, 
specifically the Natural Language search frontend (which isn't quite 
operational yet, but should be once seth gets it working hehehe). The theory 
behind it is that it is easier for users to be able to find data based on 
natural language queries such as "all document i worked on in the past two 
weeks that have to do with math" rather than using deeply nested folders or 
a complex query language. Its pretty sweet. 

Hope this is helpful...

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