Re: eog release ...

Hi Michael,

On 15 Jan 2002, Michael Meeks wrote:
> 	I'm just brushing up eog for a Gnome 2.0 release; is that ok ? there
> are a few bug fixes I want to see to reduce the warning count, and some
> annoying flicker with the shell; mostly there,
> 	Then I'll package and push the thing to; it'd be great
> if you could write the release notes, [ brag list :-] and post it to the
> list and the release team;
> 	Is that Ok ? or am I stepping on your toes badly ...

sorry for replying so late, have been away from the network for the last 3
days. AFAICS you applied all your patches already, right? Thank you very
much, I appreciate your work. Will do a release ASAP.



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