Re: [Ekiga-list] Exchanging video device through line command or config file.

Hola Antonio,

Haces una cambiado con este/ Just follow this example :

A- verificar el valor actual/ see the actual value

gconftool-2 --get /apps/ekiga/devices/video/input_device

B- cambiar/change

gconftool-2 --set --type=string /apps/ekiga/devices/video/input_device "Second Cam"

C- Ocuspockus, como dices un amigo mio en la calle Garc�Luna de Madrid

gconftool-2 --get /apps/ekiga/devices/video/input_device

Es todo en los paginas de manuales.

man gconftool-2



Antonio Carlos Ribeiro Nogueira wrote:
Sorry Damien, I am not a beginner but nor an expert as much on linux...  :(
May you help me showing how I could to change the <stringvalue>BT878 Video ( *** UNKNOWN/GENER (2)<stringvalue> to <stringvalue>Generic Vimicro 303b</stringvalue> in the /home/nogueira/.gconf/apps/ekiga/devices/video/%gconf.xml file? I guess that it is in this file I need to change the string, is it? What is the command using gconftool-2 should I use? Sorry for my poor english. It is difficult to me to explain my doubts.
Thanks in advance again.
Antonio Carlos

Damien Sandras escreveu:
Le mardi 25 septembre 2007 �8:45 -0300, Antonio Carlos Ribeiro
Nogueira a �it :
I would like to change in a remote way the video device with ekiga running. May I do it with command line through ssh or even changing a file config in the remote computer from with I started ekiga?
You can use gconftool-2.

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