Re: [Ekiga-list] Listening on different network interfaces

First of all, I don\'t want to say what piece of software is better -
I am happy with both Ekiga and Twinkle and use both of them frequently. 
I just wanted to point out that Twinkle has the requested feature and 
the sound quality should be comparable, at least in my experience it is, 
if I use OSS instead of ALSA default (using ALSA default, the mic 
provides bad quality and I thought that this could be your problem too). 
Regarding the codecs, Twinkle has, similarly to Ekiga, PCMU/PCMA and 
SPEEX 8/16kHZ and even SPEEX 32 kHz...

__________ - Všetko o autách (novinky, testy, autosalón, autoškola, porovnaj si auto)

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