Re: [Ekiga-list] Listening on different network interfaces

Hi Palo,

> I think that in the meantime, you can try to set up
> Twinkle to do the job - it has the required feature
> and I would bet that your sound quality problems
> with it are connected with ALSA - try using OSS (ALSA
> implementation in Twinkle does not seem to be the
> best). At least for me, Twinkle has comparable
> sound quality to Ekiga when using OSS.

OSS supports my sound card only in half duplex mode. Thus I need to use
ALSA for VoIP. Twinkle seems to support ALSA very well but does not
support the good quality codecs Ekiga uses (PCMU). Thus speech quality
is better in Ekiga. For this I will use Ekiga.

Greetings, Tobias

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