Re: [Ekiga-list] ekiga d-bus hook

Markus Luisser a �it :
Hi folks!

I`d like to connect my PIM suite (I use kde - kontact for the moment) to ekiga phone. In kontact I have the possibility to issue an arbitrary (shell) command when I klick on a SIP address.

I`m looking for a way to write a small program/script that takes a SIP adress as argument from kontact and passes it on to a running ekiga phone instance to automatically make a call to the SIP adress.

AFAICS the way to do it is via a d-bus communication with the running ekiga process.

First question: am I on the proper track with that?

If yes, I`d be grateful if someone could point me to more information on how to use d-bus to communicate with ekiga.

If no, what can I do to implement something like this?

Sorry, it seems I missed your message, which is now more than a week old. You can do what you want in two ways :
- either call "ekiga -c sip:foo bar net" ;
- or indeed use DBUS do that -- see the file using_dbus.html in ekiga's distribution.

Snark on #ekiga

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