[Ekiga-list] Ekiga 2.0.09 in Feisty?

yannick sevmek at free.fr
Sun Sep 30 16:15:37 UTC 2007


Snapshot is development snapshot, not meant for production.
You can install them by adding this line to your source.list:
deb http://snapshots.ekiga.net/ubuntu/ feisty main

To compile take a look here:

what you missed is this before compiling PwLib:
$ sudo apt-get install libldap2-dev

try to install those packages first on feisty, and you should be fine:

build-essential libldap2 libldap2-dev flex bison autogen gnome-common
automake1.8 libgconf2-4 libgconf2-dev libsdl1.2debian-alsa libsdl1.2-dev
libgnome2-0 libgnome2-dev libgnomeui-0 libgnomeui-dev libebook1.2-9
libebook1.2-dev libdbus-glib-1-2 libdbus-glib-1-dev libdv4-dev libdv4
libdc1394-13 libdc1394-13-dev libavc1394-0 libavc1394-dev libraw1394-8
libraw1394-dev avahi-daemon libavahi-client3 libavahi-client-dev
libavahi-common3 libavahi-common-data libavahi-common-dev libavahi-glib1
libavahi-glib-dev libavahi-core5 libsigc++-2.0-dev yelp

or you can install prebuild packages for 2.0.9 (feisty, x86) by adding
this line to your source.list:
deb http://www.ekiga.org/admin/downloads/2.0.9/ubuntu/feisty_x86/ ./


Le dimanche 30 septembre 2007 à 11:42 -0400, E Johnson a écrit :
> We are trying to install a newer Ekiga in order to get rid of bad
> sound between PC running Debian Etch (me) and PC running Ubuntu Feisty
> (him). We had Ekiga 2.0.03 working but the sound was unacceptable. 
> Understood from reading help messages that we shoud at least use a
> newer version, Ekiga 2.0.09. Before we installed that, Ekiga 2.0.11
> was made available, so we tried installing it, instead.
> But the Feisty system has a dependencies problem with PWLib when
> installing 2.0.11 from the source packages. 
> What happened:
> Opal installed okay.
> PWLib installed okay after getting dependencies from Synaptic.
> Ekiga 2.0.11 would not Configure.The error message was:
> configure: error: Sorry but the PWLib version you are using doesn't
> support LDAP
> Then I read messages here today, that recommend installing Opal, PWLib
> and Ekiga from the Snapshots page. Okay that makes sense, thanks.  
> But I see on the Ekiga - CVS Snapshots page, that there are no
> snapshots for Ubuntu Feisty.  
> Can someone running Feisty use another version of Ekiga and Opal and
> PWLib that is on the Snapshots page? 
> Will snapshots be made available for Feisty? 
> Meanwhile, will one of the other versions on the Snapshots page work
> in Feisty? 
> Thanks
> Liz J
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