Re: [Ekiga-list] Help with Unibrain firewire

Julien Puydt wrote:
Edie Morton a écrit :
Thanks for the tip. Worked installing pwlib, opal, and ekiga. Checked and saw ekiga was updated with a newer release. Still have a problem getting ekiga to recogonize the firewire video. Tried all selectable settings: v4l, v4l2, 1394AVC. nothing worked. Didn't see a selection for 1394DC which I would think would be for non audio integrated cameras. The Unibrain that I have doesn't have integrated audio so I guess that I need another setting(ie 1394DC?). Changed channels while selecting video types, no difference - no video device. Also pushed the detect device- nothing. What to do next?

You have to find the ptlib-plugin-dc package (or some name like this, perhaps libpt-plugins-dc...) and install it.

Or see here: -
It seems that everyone else thinks it's an ekiga problem!
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