[Ekiga-list] no echo with sip:500 at ekiga.net

Emmanuel Favre-Nicolin manouchk at gmail.com
Sat Nov 17 11:02:42 UTC 2007

> If you hear the female voice, the problem is on the microphone side.
> When you pass the audio test, what is the delay between the time you
> speak and the time you hear what you said ?

between 3 and 4 seconds, about 3.5 seconds.

When doing this test, I had another problem. 
After 3.5 seconds, I hear a first echo with reasonnable intensity.
After 7 seconds, I hear a 2n echo with greater intensity.
After 10.5 seconds, I hear a 3rd echo with greater intensity and it is 
saturating quite a lot! (then I stopped)

It look like echo are summing them. The reason was because the recording 
source was mix. I switched to mic and then I hear normal echos, first echos 
intensity is OK, and the 2nd echo is of smaller intensity etc....

After that modification, I observe no changes with sip:500 at ekiga.net, I just 
here the woman voice.

From time to time, the woman voice is stopped before ending and the traffic on 
my ethernet card is symetric flux received=sent flux

When the woman voice is not cutted, the traffic on my ethernet card is not 
symetric the sent flux stop before the received flux.

I don't know if thqt could help understanding what's happening here.

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