[Ekiga-list] CIF over h261 on Ekiga 2.0

Palo S. palos at post.sk
Tue Nov 6 19:50:27 UTC 2007

> It\'s impossible, CIF is being sent... (even if the log indicates QCIF).
> -- 

With video->size set to 0, clicking on camera button,
zooming to max, ie 352x288. Quite bad pixelation.
Now setting video->size to 1. Size doubles, so zooming 
back to 352x288. Almost no visible pixelation. Clearly
Calling 500 at ekiga.net. Local shrinks to half. So zooming
in to get 352x288. The same bad pixelation as at the
beginning. After remote appears, it is as bad as local.
Clearly QCIF.

Maybe I\'m doing something wrong but I am pretty sure that 
it is QCIF that is being sent... 

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